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Konferencja Smok Blog
Zamykam więc pewien okres. Dlatego dzielę się z Wami zdjęciami zrobionymi ubiegłej wiosny w Lanckoronie, w przepięknej Willi Tadeusz. To miejsce wiele dla mnie znaczy. Otoczone lasem, śpiewem ptaków, ciszą, wyjątkowymi ludźmi. Chce się tam wracać.
Hello my dear, you deserve a word of explanation.
Since February there was an emptiness on my blog. I disappeared without a word.
Why is that?
The main reason was a great journey which took place at the turn of February and March. Visiting the beautiful Thailand I had time to look at things from a distance. I made a summary of everything that I’m doing and what I plan to do. And I was even about to stop blogging. However, participation in the blogging conference one day re-awakened in me the desire to write and improve this place. This will be followed gradually and slowly, but I can assure you that it will be great!
Fortunately, in Thailand we made some beautiful photo shootings, which I will publish in the summer. Soon, I will present you some ideas for spring outfits, as well as some inspirations what to wear for a big occasions, such as wedding: a hot period is approaching, and probably all of you are facing such a challenge.
So I close one period in the history of my blog. That is why I am sharing with you the photos taken last spring in Lanckorona, in the beautiful Willa Tadeusz. This place means a lot to me. Surrounded by forest, birds singing, silence, special people. Magical place.